How to perform brilliantly in your SSLC examination?

Hi all SSLC students. Exam time is approaching. Burning midnight oil the whole year will help. These exams are so crucial for your future. All your future decisions like choosing the respective streams like Science, Humanities will be based on the outcome of SSLC examination. All your dreams of becoming doctors, engineers and lawyers will depend a lot on the outcome of this examination. Since you are studying in Kerala, it is natural that you will be studying in Kerala State Board, since the majority of the schools belong to that category. The language of instruction is Malayalam. One of the most popular ways by which students score high marks is by referring and solving SSLC Model Question Papers and Answers Malayalam Medium. Now, you must be wondering why at all, you need to solve these papers. Aren’t textbooks prescribed by the Kerala State Board are sufficient?
Why are model papers important?
The significance of SSLC Model Question Papers cannot be emphasized enough. If you observe the pattern since the last decade, all the toppers in both boys and girls have studied and solved the model papers, thoroughly. Be it any subject like Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences etc, there are model question papers, which provide great help to the prospective examinees. One of the major factors behind their popularity is the fact that they often provide a pattern similar to the actual examination. Students learn the practice of time management in real-time. Say, for example in the Social Sciences, there are two sections like Indian History and European history. Indian History carries 40% weightage and European history carries 20 % weightage. So, the model paper will have more questions on Indian History worth more marks, than European history. This is done to enable the to students score higher marks in Indian history and consequently, higher marks in the Indian History section. Therefore, in the real-time, students will score more in Social Sciences in the actual examination.
Students must start solving the question papers at least two months before the examination. Presently, in the market, there are different kinds of question papers written by various authors. Students can check all of them and then decide their preference. But make sure, you don’t consult more than two to three authors for a particular subject. This will prevent confusion. You can check out website for more information.