Tips to prepare for maths efficiently

Why is it so difficult to score well in maths? What are tips and tricks that one should know to do well in math exam? Which are the reference books that one must use to practice math questions? How to make the best use of math-related applications or websites in order to improve one’s performance in math exams? The list of questions is never ending for students who dislike mathematics. They feel stuck between these questions and actual math related questions.
Following are the important tips that can be used not just to score well, but also to improve the speed for solving the problems:
- Know your syllabus: This is one the basic tip which is applicable to all subjects irrespective of the class in which you are studying. By knowing your syllabus it becomes easy to decide on scoring topics and also helps in time management.
- Create a mathematical dictionary: Maths is a scoring subject and that’s because of the formulas that are used for solving any problems. There are few concepts that use terminologies, definitions and sample examples which can be memorized by using flashcards or sticky notes.
- Use of reference books: Along with prescribed textbooks, it is important to refer few reference books for a better understanding of the concepts. There are class-wise available reference books like CBSE self-study for class 10, R D Sharma solution class 9, R S Aggarwal etc.
- Practice and more practice: Practice makes man perfect. Again this is one of those tips which holds good for all the subjects. Maths is such a subject which requires more practice than reading and listening. Solving problems according to formulas used makes it easier to understand the application of that formula.
- Approach towards any question: First step while attempting any math related question would be to understand the question. Next would be writing down already available information and then mentioning the formula that would be used along with steps followed and the final answer. Every step carries marks making math a scoring subject based on steps.
These are few fundamental tips that can be applied while studying maths. To know more about how useful is R D Sharma solutions class 10 math solution, please visit BYJU’S.